Pilum the standard weapon of the Roman legionary
The Roman soldier always primarily fought with pole weapons. Uniform in structure, they offered a great variety of dimensions. And they had one more thing in common: the popularity of their use!
What is a Pilum?
Pilum (from the Latin “spear, javelin,” plural “pila”) is a melee weapon either of Samnite or Etruscan origin. Adopted and improved by the Romans, it marked a significant step in the development from the heavily armed infantry formation to the phalanx tactic (lat.: phalanx, “battle array”).
Used throughout the duration of the Roman Empire, the pilum was considered a unique weapon that largely defined the success of the Roman legions.
Initially, the use of the pilum appears to have been reserved for the legionaries. By the imperial era, it was probably also made available to the auxiliary troops. Around the 3rd century AD, the popular standard weapon fell out of use.
Typically, each legionary was equipped with two pila:
one larger “ranged pilum” (pilum eminus) and one smaller “melee pilum” (pilum comminus).
Brief Description
The heavy pilum eminus had a length of about 2.1 m. Approximately 70 cm of this was the long, thin, square- or round-forged iron shaft with the leaf-shaped tip, the rest was the wooden shaft. The attachment of both parts was done through rivet holes or riveted sockets.
The ferrule of the shaft, which held the tang or socket, was conical or pyramidal. Sometimes, ballast made of lead or bronze was added to the end of the wooden shaft. The additional weight significantly increased the range and penetration depth of the javelin. The total weight of the weapon was about 1-3 kilos.
The light pilum comminus was always under 2 m in length and never weighed more than half a kilo. The design of the smaller spear was proportionally similar to its larger counterpart. Its range was enormous. Over time, the lighter versions were completely abandoned in favor of the more effective pilum eminus.
- Total length approx 107cm
- Material: solid beech wood/ spearhead metal look
- Origin Germany
The collection piece is a handmade children's replica. The reproduction was made from real beech wood. The spearhead is coated with metallic paint.
Use of the Pilum
Pila were usually thrown from a distance of about 7.5 to 15 m. In comparison, the effective range of the heavy spear was even 20 to 30 m.
The purpose of the weapon was to weaken the enemy's strength by reducing their battle lines before impact. The throwing power of the spear was in its tip. This was capable of penetrating shields. The unique method of connecting the iron shaft with the wooden shaft (see above) made it possible to at least significantly hinder the enemy. If it hit a target, e.g., a shield, the wooden shaft would break off, and the iron remaining in the shield would impede the enemy's freedom of movement, which often forced them to abandon their shield. If the impact was unsuccessful, the weapon would break, making it unusable for reuse by the enemy.
Roman Applications
Outside of battle lines, the pilum could be successfully used for defending the camp wall thanks to its long iron blade. The use of the spears in naval or elephant battles is also known.
The replicas have already been showcased at many Roman festivals and playfully tested with great enthusiasm by children. Fun is guaranteed.
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