Cut-out templates

Paper craft templates - Making history understandable

The Historicals craft templates make history come alive! The wonderful handicraft models from the Roman Shop offer a very simple and entertaining way to bring ancient history closer to children! ROME | EGYPT | MEDIEVAL | GREEKS | TROY | CELTS | VIKINGS | BIBLE

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Roman craft templates - A great pleasure with a learning curve.

At school, kindergarten or in the four walls at home, crafting is simply fun. Ideally, this pleasure should be combined with a meaningful background. Therefore, a Roman craft template is the right address if you want to combine pleasure and learning. Roman craft templates are in vogue and inspire with their diversity, which delight young children as well as adults. Of course, we have many different Roman style craft templates on offer that quickly reveal a glimpse into the everyday life of Rome.

Which craft templates are available?

Starting with the three-dimensional figures, which can directly bring Roman life closer. There are different figures, which represent typical Roman people. Whether it is the emperor or a simple soldier in a splendid uniform. With a few swings, the figure is built and the fun can begin. Of course, care was taken that the craft templates Romans are not all the same. This means that if a figure is created, it has characteristic shapes and does not look like other figures. In addition, the craft templates Romans for the figures differ by their colors. With pleasure strong colors, like pink, blue or yellow, are used, in order to underline thus the character. Of course, the figures of the Roman craft template need a home. Therefore, we also offers many different buildings, which are more challenging to create.

These craft templates Romans are much more complex and complicated, but all the more magnificent for it. For example, the Roman country villa is a highlight, whereby not alone the outer walls are created. With the high-quality craft templates Romans even the interior walls are drawn, whereby the entire interior is equipped with colors, furniture or details. With matching figures can be formally lived in the villa. In addition, it is shown how life was in the villa in the past, how the rooms were divided and what colors prevailed. Thus, you not only have a great villa to play with, but you learn something directly. But there are even more Roman craft templates that can be used. How about an imposing Roman fort, a temple or an entire city? With our Roman craft templates, that's no problem.

In addition to buildings and figures, we have other individual Roman craft templates. With a few simple steps, you can make a Roman helmet out of paper, which you can even put on. Even your own catapult or crossbow can be built out of wood, although of course there is no danger for the little adventurers. If desired, there are entire sets, which drive the crafting fun. In these sets, various figures can be found, which can be perfectly complemented with a building.

The most important facts about the craft templates Romans

  • Difficulty level from easy to difficult.
  • Figures, buildings or other small items available.
  • The craft templates Romans are mostly made of sturdy paper.
  • Known, typical and popular landmarks of the Roman era present.

Simple construction - lots of fun

The construction of the handicraft templates Romans is basically not a big act. For each figure, each building and all other handicraft templates is a suitable instruction. Of course, the figures are among the easiest to create and can be completed in two minutes. Usually, scissors and glue alone are needed for this fun activity. In addition to the figures, there are other difficulty levels, which encourage the tinkerer more. Especially large or complicated buildings are tricky and require more time in the construction. But in return, the fun is increased.

Generally, a building set and similar Roman craft templates consists of several sheets of sturdy paper. This is not printer paper, but solid cardboard, so that the result is preserved for a long time. Now you need to cut out the outlines of the craft template with scissors. Conveniently, the instructions are included, which shows which areas should be cut out first. There are numbers on the individual parts, so you can quickly find pairs. Kinks, interfaces and additional work are of course marked on the craft templates Romans. Now the individual parts only need to be joined together, which usually does not take long. To do this, use a high-quality and preferably strong glue. Liquid glue is also okay, but the drying time of the handicraft templates Romans thereby increased.

Craft templates Romans: learning and fun together combine

Of course, the craft templates Romans are not as sturdy as if they were made of wood or other materials. Nevertheless, the models are a real splendor and provide fun and a great learning factor. After all, the tinkerer is shown up close how the buildings looked, what function they had and what to look out for. In addition, the tinkering instructions are accompanied by a lot of background information. Thus, one can learn what the building was used for in the past, how long the construction takes and how high the costs were. In this respect, the handicraft templates Romans are not just for fun, but in children and young people to bring Roman culture closer. If desired, the models can be stored on shelves or in display cases.

Due to the strong paper, they are quite durable and robust, while always being a beautiful eye-catcher. Do not waste time and convince yourself of the chic, craft templates Romans, which will certainly please everyone!

Bastel sheet Egypt pure - from the land on the Nile

The craft template consists of two sheets and results in a miniature in the size of about 20 centimeters by six by seven centimeters. And along the way, you can tell the students that the Sphinx is considered the guardian of the royal tombs in Giza. The Sphinx, or Shesep-Anch in ancient Egyptian, is located east of the Khafre Pyramid on the Monumental Road that connects the Valley Temple to the Temple of Totem. The real figure is over 73 meters long and about 20 meters high. The Sphinx of Giza is completely carved out of the rock massif - an imposing work of art of the ancient Egyptians! His gaze is directed to the east towards the rising sun. All this and more can be vividly taught to students with these craft templates and let them see how the Sphinx virtually grows before their eyes!

Also, in this section of Egypt craft sheets, you will find a model building sheet with four Egyptian themes to build yourself: a pharaoh on a chariot, brick making in Egypt, a processional ship and a representation of a pharaoh and his wife. With these models, you can create vivid lessons and give students a tactile and visual understanding of the lives of the ancient Egyptians. All the handicraft sheets are very easy to handle and child's play to assemble.

Even the best history book can't do that!

For the whole school class, the category of Egypt craft sheets finally has various mosaic sets to offer, which also allow a creative approach to the topic of Egypt. At Teaching Material Egypt you will find an extensive and diverse range of craft sets for the entertaining design of your history or art lessons.
We hope you enjoy browsing through the large pool of teaching material Egypt! Let us inspire you to an entertaining lesson with colorful experiences under the pages Teaching material Egypt.

Egypt in the classroom

The buildings, which you and your students in the history or art lessons with the offer of the handicraft sheet Egypt in the Roman store on these sides in miniature to rebuild are for example an Egyptian temple, a dwelling house after the kind, which existed in old Egypt, a Pharaonen ship, the Sphinx and statues of the Egyptian Pharaonen Nefertiti or Tut anch amun. The Sphinx of Giza, for example, is the emblem of Egypt and is a hybrid of a lion's body and a human head.

Castles, knights and palaces - the world of the Middle Ages

The medieval Ronneburg, Wartburg or Lichtenstein castles can be reconstructed from sturdy cardboard. And along the way, tell the students about life in the castles at that time and about the history of the Dark Ages. The Rudolfseck castles craft sheet holds exciting secrets or the replica of a romantic knight's castle. Here the students can prove their skill, because the bows must all be neatly cut out and finally neatly put together.

Dressing the lady of the castle

Students can learn about clothing in the Middle Ages by cutting out a medieval lady of the castle as a dress-up doll and dressing her. The knight's armor craft sheet, on the other hand, is especially fun for boys. And the colorful lady of the castle or the beautifully dressed damsels are certainly great fun for little girls.

Staufer castle in Italy

The replica of the Castel del Monte from the time of Frederick II is also particularly pretty. Located in Apulia, in southeastern Italy, the structure was built from 1240 to around 1250. The students will have a good look when they realize that the castle describes an exact octagon! The towers at the corners also have an octagonal layout. An architectural peculiarity is that two sides of each tower coincide with the sides of the main octagon. That the structure poses some puzzles is symbolically experienced by the students as they assemble it. Perhaps they will want to track down the riddles and delve into the mysteries of the Middle Ages ...

The Middle Ages: An adventurous time in a variety of settings

Anyone who studies the Middle Ages will very quickly discover that this particular era was characterized by very different settings. In addition to the classic cities, which were usually built around a central tower, warships and famous construction projects were often central themes of this time period. While the women and mothers mostly stayed at home, took care of the household and raised the children, the men had to go into battle and stand up for their own country. Therefore, the Middle Ages is a very significant and multifaceted era that fascinates not only many history buffs.

Make your own medieval dream come true

If stories about that time are not enough for you and you want to feel the life of that time even more intensively then you can fulfill your own medieval dream. Thanks to the numerous craft templates, you have the opportunity to truly bring the Middle Ages to life in your home. With the different templates you can always choose between buildings, ships, figures and other representations. So you can not only build your desired facets, but also combine them quite individually. Depending on the space available and your ambition, entire cities and / or forays can be created that can be supplemented further and further. And the beauty of it: This scene is truly unique and individual, so that your buildings will be truly unique!

High-quality craft templates - from simple to sophisticated

The various craft templates are all made of environmentally friendly paper or cardboard and are faithfully reproduced. Thus, all individual parts have high quality paintings that make the entire structure to a very special work of art. The individual elements are already pre-cut into the cardboard, so you can easily remove them with light pressure. These parts are then all inserted into each other, so that no adhesives are needed. Of course, each craft template is accompanied by instructions in German and English to simplify the actual assembly significantly. While the templates differ on the one hand in the amount of different parts, they also have different levels of difficulty. There are templates in the levels "easy", "medium" and "challenging". Of course, all templates are designed in such a way that you do not need any additional materials (scissors, glue or other tools). So you can start directly with your project after receiving these templates!

The perfect crafting fun for families and groups

The craft templates bring not only individual hobbyists great joy, but will also inspire entire families or other groups. Because especially with larger specimens or entire construction areas, it makes perfect sense to experience and master this work in a team. Because already during creating ideas can be exchanged and building suggestions can be expressed. Some craft templates can already be used by young medieval fans, as an age recommendation from 5 years is described here. So these templates are also quite suitable as family projects, where the whole clan not only has a lot of fun and cohesion is promoted, but also much is learned about the time. But also in history classes, these handicraft templates will provide the students for true enthusiasm, because they represent the life of that time in a very vivid way.

Craft sheet Castles | Middle Ages

The handicraft templates are faithfully reproduced the originals and so you can bring into the classroom what would normally require a class trip or long journey. Many friends and fun with the handicraft sheet castles.

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Thorsten G. Ich hatte für ein Schulprojekt Papyrus und Pergament benötigt...

Great product

Leslie D. Hi I ordered these to use as stamps for my clay...

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Claudia T. Die Lampe hat Stil und gibt eine schöne Atmosphäre...