Egyptian kings and gods
This original is also in the museum in Luxor. The Egyptian mural shows Tutankhamun with Anubis as well as Ramses II with the goddess Isis.
Tutankhamun (originally Tutankhaton) was an ancient Egyptian king (pharaoh) of the 18th Dynasty (New Kingdom) who ruled from about 1332 to 1323 BC. He became famous when archaeologist Howard Carter discovered his nearly unplundered tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922.
The special thing about this Pharaoh was not even that his sarcophagus was made of gold and a golden death mask with the image of the Pharaoh lay with the mummy, but that this mummy once became Pharaoh as a child of nine years! Songs he never really grew up. When he died, he was probably only 18 or 19 years old. Tutankhamun's mistake in the eyes of his enemies: During his reign, he brought peace to Egypt. Akhenaten, his predecessor, had had his followers persecuted. Instead, the new pharaoh introduced the cult of the sun. This made for very turbulent times, because not everyone wanted to break with the old traditions. In addition, Akhenaten had made another city the capital. Tutankhamun reversed all this and Thebes also became the capital again.
It is not certain whose son Tutankhamun was. And it is also uncertain if Tutankhamun was really murdered or if he died by an accident. Many researchers also claim that Tutankhamun had no power at all, but was only exploited by powerful people. In any case, it is certain that because he became Pharaoh more than 300 years ago, he became one of the most famous children in the history of the world. And it is also certain that he brought peace to Egypt when he was Pharaoh.
On the mural of antiquity, the goddess Isis is also depicted, next to the king Ramses II. Isis, as the sister and wife of Osiris, was just as famous and popular as he was. Isis was also the royal mother of their common child, Horus. The goddess is usually depicted in human form, with a human head. On her head is her sign, the ruler's throne. Throne or seat is also the meaning of her name.
The image of Isis with outstretched wings can be seen in burial chambers, on the walls of coffins. With Nephthys, as well as Selket and Neith, the goddess Isis forms a quadruplicity that provides protection to the dead from all four directions. Isis is also considered a goddess of nature, which is explained on the one hand by her close relationship with Osiris, and on the other hand perhaps refers to her earlier roots. She is the daughter of Shu and Tefnut, the earth and moisture.
The mural is a truly exceptional ornamental relief made of high quality alabaster plaster, with antique patina and a suspension.
- Wall mural size 26x22cm
- Egyptian relief made of high quality alabaster plaster
- with antique patina and hanging
- Original in Luxor
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